Paul BarbierLevel / Game Designer

Click me or take a look to my projects down there!

I am a graduate for the CNAM ENJMIN national school in france.
With this game design background, I specialised in level design by working for 4 years, on 3 shipped games.

Next to level design, I have knowledge in visual scripting, art composition, graphic design, architecture, programming, 3D modeling.

Passionate about using my skills from multiple domains to create spaces where the flow, pacing, challenges and encounters are carefully built to effortlessly guide the player and always pique their interest.

I enjoy making spaces where the vision, intentions, mechanics, and themes are intertwined to strongly connect the player with the game’s world and narrative.

Professional projects

Personal projects / Other works

School projects

Game jams

I’m actively looking for a new team!

Reach out to me, I want to hear about your project!

Working on new level design projects (Action/adventure oriented singleplayer maps)

Continuing my serie about composition work and visual language

Strenghtening my visual scripting skills throughout any of my personal projects

Mainly done in Unreal Engine & Godot

Developping a small puzzle game with game dev friends about growing ‘plants’ in your backyard

Making a survival/exploration game prototype myself, on Unreal Engine from scratch.

I’m Paul, a 29 years old gamedev that’s currently looking for a Game/Level Designer position!

Let’s share a bit more about myself! ~

🌟 My strengths 🌟

  • Making detailed overviews of level layouts containing the walkthrough with its pacing, flow, puzzles, challenges and encounters the player will interact with

  • Blocking out my layouts and scripting the level’s flow, setting up encounters, combat and integrating every produced elements the walkthrough needs to work, while taking account of the feedbacks of the team, players and stakeholders

  • Communicate and synthesize level infos effectively using maintained documentation (level briefs, 2D layout, pacing chart, AI/cover/beats distribution, moodboards…)

  • Being creative and eager to constantly learn new things

  • Making spaces where mechanics and the level’s theme are intertwined to create a compelling story/experience

  • Pushing levels/worlds to effortlessly guide players using layouts, frame, composition, visual language and cues

  • Able to pitch and prototype creative, fun & engaging gameplay ideas, alongside strong key moments of experience
  • Great ease of communication with any member/role of the devteam. Knowledge of the typical needs & constraints of other roles

  • Really like working with User experience & accessibility in mind

  • Strong empathy & artistic sensibility

  • Loves to build and think around frame composition to make the player curious and adding intrigue

  • Able to adapt easily to constant changes & solving problems is fun!

  • Designing worlds by abstraction.
    Building big playspaces influencing the player’s flow and curiosity. Dissecting a world into sectors/biomes, build consistency with their relation to each other, control the push&pull of the player and content distribution while putting a lot of care into visual composition

  • Creating spaces dedicated to competitive play and managing multiplayer balance levers (Sightlines, timings, character kits, power differences, players flow on map, objective placement etc.)

💖 What I love 💖

Making games that makes people feel strong emotionsconnection to the game’s world/narrative

Games from any genre that revolves around strong intentions pillars involving player’s emotional journey

Japanese & Korean cultural content, including music, video games, anime, art…

Creation of clothes and accessories for cosplays ( Sewing, 3D printing, crafts, DIY…)

Interested by the architecture field

Working with others 

Colorful & cute things in general

‘Traditional’ & digital drawing


Cats, cats and cats ᓚᘏᗢ

⚙️ Apps I'm used to work with ⚙️