Title : Attuned

Engine : Unreal Engine

Role : Game & Level Designer | Assistant Narrative Designer

Platforms : PC / Consoles

Duration : 4 months in

Status : Finished prototype

What I did on Attuned

  • Define project’s vision, design and coherence between mechanics and meaning
  • Co-created the worldbuild and lore within the game’s universe
  • Design and communicate, through illustrated documentations and talks the core mechanics and main features of the game
  • Iterations about level design and challenges pillars, to provide an idea about our difficulty curve and how we can shape it
  • Integration of several level design greyblocks following the ‘Action blocking‘ idea
  • Co-created oral defense documents
  • Writing of Features-SignOffs about player movement, speed system and core mechanics
  • Level design drafts along our experience’s pillars ( Sense pleasure & Discovery )
  • Blockmesh level designing by taking consideration of player orientation ( Environmental lines, lighting, landmarks… )
  •  A lot of effort into mechanics and character’s states feedbacks to the player

What is Attuned ?

Attuned is a Third person 3D action/aventure game making you discover an unknown and desolated world through the eyes of Oia, a young attuner whose abilities and movement depends on the type of terrain beneath her feet.

By mixing alternance in gameplay rythms, emphasis on movement and primal feels of attunement to the elements, we want to create a thrilling and meaningful experience.

This project is my end year project for my Master degree at CNAM ENJMIN as a game designer student.

Examples of things I did on this project

Intentions / Vision

From the beginning of the project, we wanted to make Oia’s journey a tangible, metaphorical and visceral trip to live for the player.

Sense of primal connection with the earth

Real emphasis on the feeling of embodiment of the elements by the avatar, illustrated  by a lot of gamefeel work on camera, movement…

A world that has stories to tell

A lot of effort was put into creating a rich and coherent worldbuild / lore concerning the world of Attuned.

In a desolated world where movement’s gone from almost every living and still things, Oia, an attuner, is trying to achieve something that a lot of attuners tried to before her, attune herself with air.

By following the trail of a mythical attuner, the player will found himself caught into a metaphorical journey until eternal life.

A desolated but coherent and meaningful world

From the hypotetical population of the world of Attuned to it’s architecture, or even mechanics, were thought to be coherent with the pillar that represent the idea of movement in our game.

Through basic interactions based on movement and meaning of animations, feedbacksenvironmental hints… we tend to convey our vision about eternal life