Title : Plegma

Engine : Unity

Platforms : PC

Duration : 1 month during usual courses

Status : Working prototype

Date : 2020

Team : 

Paul Barbier

What I did on Plegma

  • Pitched the concept
  • Designed  and programmed the core mechanic of grid’s parts teleportation with other features ( Moving, camera movements, holding objects, exploration, throwing objects, animating… )
  • Learned a lot about Raycasts and dynamic texture replacements
  • Cared about user experience and added some status related feedbacks on elements
  • Did some level design drafts of how the core mechanic could be used in a game
Player holding the altar's orb

What is Plegma ?

Plegma is a Third person 3D isometric exploration/puzzle game, where the player can rearrange a flexible grid-based world.

There are Altars and Altar’s orbs that allow the player to rearrange the grid. ( When putting an orb on another terrain than the Altar’s one, these 2 terrains would be swapped )

Some examples of what's in the prototype !

Intentions / Others

A world letting you change it's composition

Developing the idea of the player being able to change the world’s layout like he wants with a simple mechanic was a fun challenge !

A programming & designing challenge

I wanted to learn new things on Unity and especially about Raycasts, animations, camera movement, scriptable translations, dynamic change to meshes in real-time etc.

Concerning the design, I did also emphasise on the understanding of the core mechanic by communicating it’s status through dynamic texture replacements ( State 1 = Turned off | State 2 = Enlighten )